Droideka star wars battlefront 2
Droideka star wars battlefront 2

  • Droidekas, if prepared beforehand, can be very useful in enclosed spaces.
  • Droidekas can also be used as the back line of an offensive.
  • droideka star wars battlefront 2

    There should always be at least one Droideka defending a Command Post or Flag Capture point.This strategy is obviously ineffective if there are other units around the Droideka, however. Droidekas have a limited turn rate, allowing a trooper that gets close to circle-strafe faster than the Droideka can respond and continuously blast it from behind.As such, Droidekas should transform into attack mode and deploy shields well before enemies come. The Droideka's shield will only start depleting once it is hit.A player should plan out when and where they will deploy from and into modes transforming into ball mode in the midst of a group of enemies is not smart.If attacked while travelling, it may be wiser to flee using your speed than to transform and attempt to fight. Droidekas are slow deploying from ball mode into attack mode and enemies should take advantage of this.When curling into a ball to travel somewhere, the player should make sure they have allies around them to protect them from attack after all, in ball mode they are the most vulnerable.Like the MagnaGuard, the Droideka does not change its skin on any map. In addition, Droidekas are the only infantry class that is immune to headshots since it lacks a proper head hitbox. They are a rare sight in online matches due to the difficulty in unlocking them.

    droideka star wars battlefront 2 droideka star wars battlefront 2

    They are used widely because of their versatility. This unit is best put to use as a support unit, an obstacle in hallways and quick hit-and-run tactics. Droidekas are easily weakened once their shields are depleted, so be careful in enemy territory. Their shields cannot be deployed while rolled up and you cannot obtain the flag in this manner either.

    droideka star wars battlefront 2

    Also, droidekas can roll up into a ball and travel very quickly around the map by hitting the crouch command. Their Repeating Blasters shoot rapidly (even though they will eventually overheat) and can even be used when the shield is destroyed, giving the unit a big advantage. Droidekas are one of the two special units only available to the CIS.

    Droideka star wars battlefront 2